
Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to backbend

Happy Thursday DXB!

I'll keep this short.
This week has been a whirlwind.. with an ever expanding to-do list and a messy bed. I just want to vent on the topic of health and wellness considering the amount of dumb conversations I've heard this week.
"Are you an a diet?"
NO. I just eat healthy.

"You are young, this is when your body is strong and you should eat everything and enjoy your life"

Oh really? How did that work out for you dear 30year old beluga with arthritis? - I'm not blessed with the strongest metabolism of asian women or the muscle definition of black women. I am willing to work for it and I'll do the best I can to prevent looking like death at 30.

"You should try taking XY vitamins and Blabla supplements"

Don't mess with me unless your a certified nutritionist or a doctor. Nothing works unless you get your ass off your couch.

"Yoga is a hindu practice, I am Christian/Muslim"

Read a book. I can't help you with your ignorant statement. And don't talk to me about Jesus with that KFC in yo mouth.


And for those who care - this is what I've been working on perfecting. Eventually I wanna be able to drop back without support and get into a handstand without breaking in half lol. I love inversions! can you tell?? Namaste!

Lifting one leg straight up while in upward bow/full wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana) will help you work on your core strength! Sorry I had to crop the pics - I didn't realize how short my shorts were lol


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